1.The broker carried out a standard series of checks, including verifying the company's federal registration and its insurance coverage.
2.Each party is responsible for obtaining on its own account any other insurance coverage for the goods that he may desire.
3.To take care of him, I dropped out of college to work a factory job that provides mental health insurance coverage.
4.Please contact HR Department concerning insurance coverage or other accrued benefits to which you may be entitled.
5.Increasing the number of people with insurance coverage was one of the main goals of the health care reform law enacted last March.
6.How much premium for this particular insurance coverage?
7.Notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary herein, insurance coverage and limits shall be subject to approval of all the parties.
8.If I determine a route is too far or dangerous for a bicycle, I rent an hourly hybrid Zipcar which includes gas and insurance coverage.
9.Indeed, it is likely that the laudable extension of insurance coverage now makes it more important to tackle the question of costs.
10.In charge of Fixed Assets management, Safeguard assets, assure that the company maintains adequate insurance coverage.